The Blessed Reason Trip

Sue Manternach – Cedar Rapids, Iowa

I had heard about the Blessed Reason Trip a while before I took my very own. I first met Christy Blake at a book club where a friend introduced her and her first book, The Power of God…Today, along with the incredible doctor she wrote about.

A few months later, I began experiencing severe bone-on-bone knee pain. As a longtime marathon runner and enthusiastic skier, my knees were not in the best of shape, and I was seriously contemplating surgery. Then, I ran into a friend who had been at the same time facing a similar issue but shared that his knee was miraculously healed through a virtual prayer by Dr. Nemeh. I was amazed and recognized this was no coincidence. I felt the Holy Spirit beckoning me to make an in-person appointment with Dr. Nemeh to explore this further.

Along the way, I learned the importance of approaching the situation with an open heart, releasing past hurts, and simply trusting God. My appointment with Dr. Nemeh was extraordinary, and I hardly know where to begin describing it.

I went in with specific concerns that I believed would be addressed, but also with a deep sense of certainty about other issues as I felt real changes occurring. This tangible sensation boosted my faith that everything else would be resolved.

Upon entering Dr. Nemeh’s office, I was captivated by the beautiful decor filled with religious statues and paintings gifted by patients who had experienced miracles and offered them as tokens of gratitude.

From the moment Dr. Nemeh began working on me, I was completely absorbed in the experience. He seemed to know so much about me without me uttering a word. I hadn’t written anything down or spoken to anyone there about these issues, yet he had a supernatural understanding of my situation. It was truly remarkable!

At that time, I was also dealing with memory problems, which he addressed with concern, acknowledging the serious accidents I had endured over the years contributing to these issues. When he brought them up, I couldn’t remember all the details until his words triggered my memory, including a significant fall I had taken from a great height, landing directly on the top of my head. I had somehow forgotten about this until Dr. Nemeh reminded me, which might sound amusing, but that’s how it unfolded.

Dr. Nemeh suggested that this traumatic injury could have initiated my memory difficulties, with subsequent incidents exacerbating my condition through reduced blood flow and frequent headaches—headaches I hadn’t even mentioned.

I arrived seeking healing for my knee but found myself experiencing healing for a multitude of other issues. Dr. Nemeh’s remarkable ability to identify unspoken concerns was astounding.

He then focused on my circulation, my legs, and both knees, dedicating substantial time to my troubled knee. His approach was filled with love, often meeting my gaze with warmth and a gentle smile. He was incredibly kind and patient.

As the treatment progressed, Dr. Nemeh inquired if I experienced any numbness in my abdomen. I admitted that I did, attributing it to multiple past surgeries. Instead of elaborating, he seamlessly continued his work. Suddenly, he remarked, “There is a lot of movement going on here.”

At that moment, I felt a fluttering sensation within me as Dr. Nemeh continued. It was soothing, reminiscent of receiving a massage, and even after he stopped, I felt ongoing movement—as though my organs were being rearranged. Eventually, I discovered that many concerns I had prior to my appointment had vanished. Everything was healed during that visit.

Before my appointment, I struggled to walk without significant pain and relied on a knee brace to get through the day. Yet, after my session, my knee felt completely healed! I no longer experience any pain. While I no longer run marathons and remain cautious with what activities I will do, I am eternally grateful that God healed me and that I avoided surgery.

Additionally, during my time with Dr. Nemeh in Ohio, I experienced healing in my hearing. For a while I had noticed considerable hearing loss, but since that day, my hearing has been fully restored. I’ve even had it tested and can proudly say I now have perfect hearing.

Initially, I felt selfish for making an appointment with this special doctor, thinking others might need him more. However, Christy warned me that those feelings would come and not to pay any attention to them. She told me I was there for a blessed reason.

Because of my experience and the miracles that I witnessed, I share my story with others and how Jesus profoundly impacted my appointment. I also serve on the board of the Blessed Reason Trip for this very purpose.

Dr. Nemeh taught me many things, the most significant being that my daily life should be centered around living for Jesus above all else.