The Blessed Reason Trip

Kim Smith – Cedar Rapids, Iowa

In the fall of 2019, I had been wearing an aircast boot on my left foot for nearly eight months due to a tiny fracture in the fifth metatarsal. This injury occurred in February 2019 while I was on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The stress fracture developed from walking continuously on the cobblestone streets and uneven paths in Israel. After eight months, my condition remained unchanged, as the bone had not yet healed.

I had learned that Christy Blake and her daughter Emily were taking a group of people to Ohio for a healing session with Dr. Issam Nemeh in October 2019. Due to my circumstances, I decided to give it a try.

After returning home, Christy was writing a book titled “The Power of God… Today.” She contacted me to ask if I would share my story and the events that transpired. Below is a summary of that story, which is now included in the back of that book.

Our group met with Dr. Nemeh in a monastery in the Cleveland area. When it was my turn for prayer, my foot was still fully encased in the aircast boot. Dr. Nemeh approached and asked me to stay seated.

Dr. Nemeh inquired about my health issues. I explained that I had a broken bone in my left foot (the fifth metatarsal) that was healing very slowly. I also mentioned having rheumatoid arthritis for nearly forty years and suffering from spondylolisthesis, which is a painful condition where the vertebrae slip out of place, usually at the base of the spine. I specified that the issue was with my fourth and fifth vertebrae (L4 & L5), and Dr. Nemeh immediately understood the situation.

He began praying over my left foot first. After a while, I started chuckling as I felt movement inside my foot, completely independent of Dr. Nemeh, who claimed he wasn’t touching it! This sensation was strange yet incredible—it felt like Jello! Clearly, something was happening. Dr. Nemeh also worked on my spine, manipulating it while bending me backward. He felt the vertebrae shifting and confirmed that healing had occurred. Midway through, I started crying, repeatedly saying, “Thank you, Jesus.”

That evening, my foot was noticeably swollen, red, and a bit warm to the touch. I thought this was odd and perhaps a setback, but when I shared this with Christy and Emily the next morning (showing them photos), they suggested it was a sign that blood flow was increasing and healing was taking place. They explained that sometimes, after a healing, one may experience pain, discomfort, or unusual sensations as the healing progresses.

Regarding my back and spine, Christy observed that I seemed to walk and move faster after the healing session, particularly when going down the bus steps, suggesting that my back was likely healed. Additionally, a friend who didn’t go on the trip remarked that my back appeared straighter, as if I was standing taller! One of the symptoms of spondylolisthesis for me was excruciating pain when trying to straighten up after bending over, which required me to do so very slowly. However, after Dr. Nemeh’s prayer, I was able to bend over and stand back up straight without any pain, almost as if my vertebrae had returned to their proper positions!

Concerning my foot, I had an x-ray the day before our trip, which showed improvement, though not complete healing. My next appointment with my podiatrist is on November 14, at which time another x-ray will be taken. Generally, my foot feels better now (and is less swollen than it was the night of the healing session), but it’s difficult to assess its condition after wearing this boot for so long. The x-ray will provide clarity. I praise God for loving me so deeply, touching me so intimately, and facilitating the healing I needed, whatever form it may take.

Who knows what other healing has occurred within me, whether physical, spiritual, emotional, or otherwise? I continue to trust in Jesus. I am grateful for the opportunity to meet Dr. and Kathy Nemeh and for this extraordinary experience!