The Blessed Reason Trip

Joyce Trampe – Sun City, Arizona

My healing first began when my niece, Christy Blake, had Dr. Nemeh pray over my picture in October 2019. I didn’t know that she was doing this, but had heard about how she had started up this ministry to help people find healing and God in their lives. I was at the time having some pretty scary health issues and remembered thinking it was funny timing.

All tests were pointing to a potentially life-threatening condition that had started inside by bones. I was still trying to grasp what was going on and how to relate everything to my family members. Then right around the same time frame that Christy asked Dr. Nemeh to pray for me, I had something very unusual happen to me.

One night, while asleep beside my husband, I was abruptly awakened at a very early hour to the feeling that someone was there with me. As lay there, I had an awareness that something profound had just happened. I sensed that I felt quite warm on the inside, and the more I woke up, the more I became aware of my physical surroundings.

The most apparent observation was that I felt wet clothing on me. This feeling was quite alarming, causing me to rapidly become more alert, only to discover that I wasn’t only wet, I was completely soaked. My entire body, my hair, all of my clothing, and even the bed itself was drenched. I had never experienced anything like this before!

As I continued to become more observant, I quickly found that not only was I lying in a soggy, wet mess, but there was also a detectable foul odor coming from what had been excreted from my body. Before I had become fully conscious, somehow, I already knew that God had touched me that night. I understood that something had occurred, but it would take me several more months before the reality of what that was exactly, to be shown to me.

Months later, I returned to my specialist for a checkup, and they ran all the usual blood tests to monitor my situation. A few days later, I was attending a car show with my husband and decided to rest for a bit on a park bench. Having some free time, I decided to pull out my iPhone to check email and noticed that I had received one from my physician. I clicked on it, seeing that it contained the laboratory reports from my latest blood tests, along with a personal message from the doctor that read, “You are never going to believe this, but all of your tests came back normal!”

Everything came flooding back to me when I read those words. How I woke up that night completely drenched in sweat, and that Christy and Emily were facilitating a healing service in Ohio around the same time. I distinctly felt God’s presence in that moment. That’s when everything fell into place about what truly happened. I sat perfectly still reflecting what God had did for me, now shedding tears about the reality of what had taken place that night.

In June 2020, my husband and I traveled to Ohio for individual medical treatments by Dr. Nemeh and had the opportunity to meet him in person. It was a special experience being there in Dr. Nemeh’s presence. I could tell he already knew so much about me, without me having to say anything. I think he is able to be this way with everyone. It is given to him for a reason. He doesn’t say much about it, but you just know deep down…that he knows. Being in that treatment room is mysterious. It is like somehow Heaven is brought down to this earth.

After my appointment with Dr. Nemeh the Holy Spirit kept working inside me. I began to reroute my life spiritually and moving my walk closer to Jesus. I felt God pouring in me and asking me to start praying for others.

I am so thankful for my time with Dr. Nemeh. This appointment helped me find my way back to Jesus, giving me a brand-new purpose in life – to pray for family, friends, and even strangers.