The Blessed Reason Trip

Cindi Stueck – Vinton, Iowa

Christy Blake is my neighbor and friend and in January of 2022 I happened to learn that she had written two books, something I had no idea about. Intrigued, I asked her if I could buy a copy and soon inquired about her next Blessed Reason Trip, as I was very interested in this doctor in Ohio that she wrote about.

In February 2022, Christy and Emily invited me, along with four other people, three of them I had never met before, to join them on this unique journey. Christy handled all the arrangements, including our lodging, allowing me to simply relax and trust that everything would be okay.

As we traveled from Iowa to Ohio, I reflected on the many reasons for my visit and also all the people I brought with me in my heart. Though I wished to bring my family along, I felt it was essential to first experience this for myself.

In the days leading up to my appointment with Dr. Nemeh, I won’t lie, I felt anxious about what lay ahead. However, everything that followed was nothing short of miraculous, and all my fears dissipated. The entire experience felt completely right, filling me with peace.

During my session with Dr. Nemeh, he noticed a scar on my forehead, situated between my eyebrows. I was astonished when he asked, “Where did that scar come from? Something from your childhood?”

This scar occurred from something terrible that happened to me when I was young. I had it for many years but since my adulthood it had left, and I haven’t seen it since in like 30 years. Then here he mentioned it and could actually see it! I remember thinking, “How is he seeing that?”

I simply nodded in response, as painful memories resurfaced. He offered me a warm smile and a gentle sigh, conveying an understanding that everything was okay. It was a comforting reassurance I can’t quite articulate.

Then he began working on me and stated, “You don’t have a connective tissue disorder.” I was taken aback; multiple doctors had diagnosed me with this condition after past surgeries. I shared this with him, and he firmly repeated, “No, you do not have a connective tissue disorder.” His conviction was clear, and he reiterated it several times throughout the appointment.

Later, while working on my stomach, he paused and asked, “Do you feel that?” After a moment, I realized I could feel movement within me—a gentle, circular counterclockwise motion traveling from my right side all the way across my stomach to the left side. I felt no fear or pain; instead, I experienced a profound sense of peace and a thought that resonated within me- “You are where you are supposed to be in this life.” It was a reassuring moment, confirming that all would be well.

There was more that unfolded during my time, and then the others in our group who came with us had their turns individually. We all sat in the treatment room together, praying for one another as Dr. Nemeh worked on one person at a time for nearly two hours each time. As I sat there reflecting on everything that had transpired, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for being part of it.

Once our appointments concluded, Kathy Nemeh, Dr. Nemeh’s wife, requested her husband to pray for a boy in urgent need. The mother had called in via video, pleading for help. Kathy asked if we could all pray together, and the mother agreed, saying, “The more prayers, the better.”

Due to privacy, I can’t share the specific details, but I can say that something extraordinary occurred during the prayer. We formed a circle as Dr. Nemeh held his right hand over Kathy’s phone during the video call, directed at the son who was in agony.

We joined hands as Dr. Nemeh began praying and then, well I don’t know how to describe it, but I will try.

As we joined hands and prayed, I suddenly felt weightless, as if my feet were no longer touching the ground. We all simultaneously began to move in perfect rhythm, again counterclockwise, as we prayed. This moment was just as significant to me as my individual time with Dr. Nemeh and is something I will never forget.

Christy later explained to me that when Dr. Nemeh said I didn’t have a connected tissue disorder, that is how he sees me walking out of that office. This insight has brought me immense peace, allowing me to stop worrying about that earlier diagnosis. His words come back to me often since my appointment and they help remind me that I am healthy and do not have it. It is gone.

Additionally, the feeling of the Holy Spirit during the prayer for the teenager has stayed with me. I used to overthink life’s events, but I’ve come to believe that everything happens for a reason, although we may not always understand why at the moment. Some things are meant to remain a mystery until they are revealed later.

We must learn to let go and let God.

Regarding the scar above my eye, it is a peculiar thing. Now some days I will see it there, plain as the nose on my face and then the next time I look for it, finding that it is completely gone. I have prayed about this, and I do realize I need to pay more attention to when it is there. There is probably a reason, but for now I believe it is there to help me remember that the hurtful things that happened to me in my childhood are okay to acknowledge. I don’t have to pretend that they didn’t happen. I am meant to still love that person and forgive, but I have learned through this experience that it is also okay to remember what happened in the past. God is with me.

My trip was truly blessed, and I now feel an overwhelming sense of peace.

I look forward to bringing my children and a friend who I know would greatly benefit from an appointment with Dr. Nemeh in the future.