The Blessed Reason Trip

Chip Moellering – Villa Hills, Kentucky

We discovered Dr. Nemeh through our friend Susan Neltner, who experienced remarkable healing. She also shared valuable insights from Christy Blake regarding Dr. Nemeh and the many healing experiences of others.

At that time, Susan learned about my wife’s illness and reached out to inform us about Dr. Nemeh and the hope she held for my wife’s healing. Because of this, I had an appointment scheduled, by my wife, for the both of us. I thought we were seeing Dr Nemeh just for my wife, who was suffering from at least 15 different debilitating symptoms for over a year.

My wife and I agreed that we wouldn’t tell anyone that we were seeing a healing, medical doctor as an alternative to the mainstream doctors that we had been seeing for over a year.

I typed out a one-page cover sheet and handed it to Dr. Nemeh’s wife, Kathy. I explained in the letter that I was primarily there to find relief and healing for my wife. But I explained that I had suffered from having two separate strokes, seven and ten years ago at the ages of 45 and 49. I have since fully recovered from both of them (thanks and all glory to God), but I do have double vision in my left eye as a result of the second stroke. I also explained that my right leg was slightly shorter than my left leg and that since I was a young teenager I have suffered from Spondylolisthesis.

Spondylolisthesis is a condition that occurs when a vertebra slips out of place and presses on the vertebra below it. Spondylolysis is a common cause of spondylolisthesis, as a fracture in the pars interarticularis can cause a vertebra to slip out of place.

I sat in on my wife’s appointment and had absolutely no expectation of any healing for me. My appointment in the room immediately occurred after hers. Dr Nemeh explained that I was not born with legs of different lengths and that my lower back pain, Spondylolisthesis, was from an injury.

While I watched in disbelief, Dr Nemeh began pulling on my right toe as I extended my right leg. I felt my leg stretching out. My legs are now the exact same length! Thanks to the Holy Spirit and Dr Nemeh.

Then, Dr Nemeh began applying pressure to my lower back. He began pushing on the exact spot of pain in my lower back, without me telling him or knowing what he was doing. I thought I was going to be pushed out of the chair because he was pushing so hard.

Dr Nemeh said, “Your bulge in your lower back has flattened out”. In disbelief I asked if this correction was permanent. He said, “Of course it is, unless you re-injure your back.”

The Holy Spirit, through Dr Nemeh, healed my Spondylolisthesis 100%. I still can’t believe it and it happened to me! God is awesome, all of the time! Where science meets faith.

My third healing was inside my head as Dr Nemeh laid his hands on me. Dr Nemeh asked the cause of my two strokes. I explained that I have a very thin “variant of normal” thalamic artery known as “The Artery of Percheron”. Both infarcts causing my ischemic strokes occurred on each side of this Artery of Percheron.

Dr Nemeh then placed his hands on my head, and it appeared that he was praying over me. My head/brain had this euphoric feeling of cleansing that lasted a few seconds. I’m not sure what blessing I received but I wouldn’t be surprised if the “Artery of Percheron” has disappeared completely, and my thalamic artery was restored back to normal.

I am now sharing my story with others as proof that we have a living and active God in our lives, who loves us all unconditionally and is always working for our good. We just have to love God with our whole hearts, minds and souls and love our neighbors as ourselves. Love conquers all.

I want to tell my story as a huge thank you to our God, our friend Susan, and to Dr Nemeh and his wife Kathy. I want others to know that my healing through the Holy Spirit and at Dr Nemeh’s hands is just as real as the stories of healing found throughout the Bible. God is REAL! The same healing that I received is available to anyone who has love in their hearts. God actively works mysterious miracles, large and small, throughout our individual lives. My healing, by Dr Nemeh, is a LARGE miracle to me.

Dr Nemeh’s passion to serve and love Christ by loving and serving those in need of healing has inspired me. His drive to work tirelessly every day in healing others out of love and his feeling of obligation to serve God and not to disappoint Him (by not sharing his gift of healing) was incredibly moving and inspiring.

I guess, in such a small way, compared to what Dr Nemeh has done with his life, I, too, want to serve and glorify God by sharing the truth of His love and His absolute existence!! I want others to experience the same unconditional and loving healing in their lives. I want to love my neighbor as myself.

The Holy Spirit should be thought of as a verb (Dr Nemeh mentioned this to us) and is present daily in all of our lives – seen or unseen. Dr Nemeh acts as a conduit of love connecting you directly with the Holy Spirit.

May God bless you as He has us!