The Blessed Reason Trip

Carrie Weber – Vinton, Iowa

My journey with the Blessed Reason Trip began in May 2021, when Christy reached out to me for the first time in years, wanting to discuss something important.

I agreed to the conversation, not knowing what any of it was about, only to learn later that God had given her a dream about me that she felt strongly she had to share. The dream struck me deeply because it was a message that God had something for me that would change my life forever.

I was unfamiliar with her ministry, but she provided details about the dream, her work, and handed me her book, “The Power of God…Today.” She invited me to a healing service to be prayed over virtually by some doctor in Ohio. She did all this knowing absolutely nothing about my situation. She had no awareness that I had contracted Covid several months prior and had been enduring significant health challenges ever since. I had been pleading with God for healing, and then Christy appeared with this divine message.

During my battle with Covid, it escalated into pneumonia. Although I eventually recovered from both, I struggled to breathe like I once could, experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath, and extreme fatigue even during light activities. At that time, I was in my mid-forties and quite active, so this was not normal. I loved hiking and being in nature, but my symptoms made it nearly impossible to enjoy these activities.

The prayer service was scheduled for Mother’s Day weekend, and I had other commitments, yet I felt a strong calling to attend, so I made a way to be there. On that day, I suffered from a severe migraine and was highly emotional even before my prayer with Dr. Nemeh began. When it was my turn for the virtual prayer, I leaned close to the computer and explained to Dr. Nemeh and his wife Kathy why I was there.

I was definitely anxious and fidgeting in my seat when during the prayers, Kathy called out for me to surrender. I was trying but it wasn’t working.

I made an effort to take deep breaths to relax, but it was painful. Dr. Nemeh continued to pray for me, and again Kathy prompted, “Carrie, you need to surrender.”

I struggled, as taking deep breaths was so painful that it brought me to the verge of tears. Kathy seemed to read my mind, saying, “Carrie…just surrender!”

At that moment, something clicked. I lowered my head onto the table supporting the computer and found I could take deep breaths. I could feel the oxygen making its way to my lungs, and the pain was subsiding. A release washed over me as the Holy Spirit took over. I continued to breathe deeply while Dr. Nemeh prayed, and all the pain in my chest vanished, allowing my lungs to fully expand.

By the end of the prayer, I was overwhelmed with emotion. I thanked Dr. Nemeh and Kathy, then approached Christy to hug her for her courage in sharing her dream and inviting me to this prayer opportunity. Remarkably, as I left, I noticed that my migraine had disappeared during the prayer, which was unusual for me.

The months following this profound prayer were undeniably challenging. I underwent scans of my lungs, which initially showed nodules that seemed benign, only to later reveal that I had invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung with an extensive lepidic component. In short, I was diagnosed with lung cancer.

When I shared this news with Christy I could sense her confusion with what was happening with me after my prayer. But I knew.

I felt God’s presence guiding me throughout my journey. He led me to Vinton, Iowa, to Christy, and to Dr. Nemeh. By focusing on what God was doing in my life, I was reassured that He was still in control.

On November 5th, 2021, I underwent a successful surgery. Initially, I was expected to remain in the hospital for 7-10 days, followed by an additional two weeks of recovery time at home. Miraculously, I was discharged in just four days. I recognized this was due to the countless prayers from those around me, and I knew Christy was frequently sending Dr. Nemeh my name for additional prayers.

My surgeon remarked that my recovery was the fastest he had ever witnessed among any of his previous patients.

Nearly a year later, in March 2022, I met with Christy and her daughter to share the rest of my story.

I explained how I had always felt a deep connection to God and how I knew that He had placed certain individuals in my life for a greater purpose.

I recounted how I was guided to Vinton, where my husband and I built our dream home. Throughout my struggles with lung issues, I had blamed Covid for my condition, but it turned out that radon exposure was the real culprit. Iowa has the highest average indoor radon levels in the country, making it the leading cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers like me.

Once we identified the source of my lung cancer, we brought in a professional to install a mitigation system to reduce the radon gas and ensure our home was safe.

Reflecting back on that prayer session with Dr. Nemeh, I remember I felt so poorly before it began. I was on a steroid inhaler and feeling pretty terrible. However, during our conversation and prayer, I sensed the Spirit of God flowing through him, even from a distance. I felt wrapped in love and a calming presence.

My spirituality deepened significantly as I grasped what God had done for me and could do for others. It was also my first encounter with the workings of the Holy Spirit. While I had previously prayed to God, Jesus, Mary, and the Saints, I had never directly addressed the Holy Spirit before.

Additionally, that prayer session with Dr. Nemeh resulted in the disappearance of my long-standing migraines, which I had endured since childhood. They had been so severe that I often had to isolate myself in a dark room, avoiding all triggers like light, sound, and smell.

I had tried pretty much everything to get rid of them. For a while I was taking medication but then it eventually stopped working, so my doctor increased the dosage, leading to memory issues and difficulty recalling words. I then resorted to Botox injections, paying over $900 every three months for thirty-one injections in my head and neck. While it worked, the experience was far from pleasant and expensive. Eventually, I began attempting to self-administer injections with different medications, but I still experienced five to six migraines a month despite this effort.

However, after that one prayer with Dr. Nemeh, my migraines became a thing of the past. I canceled all future neurologist appointments and stopped my medication. Occasionally, I have a regular headache like most people, but they are infrequent and nothing like what I endured for years.

I attribute this incredible miracle entirely to God. I also feel the Holy Spirit actively working in my life in countless ways. It serves as a gentle nudge, that inner voice urging me, “You need to do this.”

I had never considered the Holy Spirit before, but now I sense its presence everywhere in my life. I can’t imagine my world without it. I don’t think I could have navigated my lung cancer journey without this connection to the Holy Spirit. Most days, it manifests as a subtle nudge, but there are also significant moments that capture my attention. If one isn’t in tune with these nudges, they may overlook them. Yet, the more one listens, the more you can recognize and become more receptive to it working in your life.

I share my story of healing from migraines with many, telling them about this remarkable doctor in Ohio who prayed to the Holy Spirit. Through his faith and intercession, God chose to heal me.

Christy shared that she dreamed my life would be forever changed, and that is undoubtedly true. My time with Dr. Nemeh empowered me to live more fully by inviting God’s Spirit into each experience and following its guidance. I strive to be more Christ-like and to love others more fully.

I also raise awareness about the dangers of radon and all that Christ has done for me. I want others to know they can cultivate a relationship with God and recognize the nudges of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

My prayer with Dr. Nemeh and his wife Kathy helped me uncover one of God’s greatest gifts to us all: the gift of the Holy Spirit.