how we started
an extraordinary beginning
Christy and Emily first began The Blessed Reason Trip as a mother/daughter duo who found tremendous healing after being prayed over by a medical doctor in 2019.
Over the next four years, Christy and Emily continued sharing their testimony with others about the power of prayer. Hundreds of people, bus trips, and healing services later, The Blessed Reason Trip transformed into a nonprofit organization.
In 2023, they teamed up with two more people, Mary Lou Milling and Sue Manternach, who they met through spreading the news about these miracles. Together, they will continue to help inspire others to ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK for healing in their own lives.
The Blessed Reason Trip is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

The Blessed Reason Trip recognizes that just one person being made whole again has the potential to change many more lives in the process.
Christy and Emily Blake began their journey to help others due to their own incredible healings in January of 2019 – Christy was healed from Systemic Lupus along with many other autoimmune diseases, while Emily tagged along to support her mother and found herself miraculously healed of Endometriosis.
Before that day, neither of them would have ever guessed they would later take busloads of people to Ohio, write several books, and begin an organization.
It was all done out of love for others, because of what God lovingly did for them.