healing services
across the US
encounter ministries
Encounter Ministries exists to unleash the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in the world through teaching, equipping, and activating disciples to demonstrate the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Primarily located in Brighton, Michigan, they offer varying healing opportunities in many different areas nationwide. They train and disciple Catholics to demonstrate the Love of God through the Power of the Holy Spirit in their sphere of influence. Through Encounter Ministries School of Ministry, Dynamic Conferences, Events, and Ministries, they provide the best opportunities to empower disciples to Love Like Jesus.
Check out their event calendar for more information:
indiana healing services
Third Tuesday of every month, 7-8:30 pm
Please double check website for date/time:
Eucharistic Holy Hour/Healing Service at St. Nicholas Catholic Church, 6461 E. St. Nicholas Dr., Sunman, IN 47041, sponsored by Servants of God Ministries. Confessions start at 6:30.
Praise & worship music at 6:45, and the service starts at 7, which usually consists of Exposition, Eucharistic Procession, Gospel reading, reflection and Benediction followed by laying on of hands.
All are invited to spend time with the Lord and experience a powerful evening of prayer, praise and worship!
Located at 1225 Alta Vista Street, in Dubuque, Iowa.
At Nativity Catholic Church, they offer an open opportunity to receive healing prayer beginning at 6 pm on Wednesday until everyone has received prayer.
Prayer teams and confessions are available.
For more information contact Serena Freisinger at (563) 582-1839 or via email at dbq061s4@dbqarch.org

john paul healing center
John Paul II Healing Center is primarily located in Talllahassee, Florida, however they offer in-person services in different areas of the country.
Their mission is to promote and inspire transformation in the heart of the Church, by healing and equipping God’s people for the New Evangelization.
This mission is fulfilled in the very heart of the Church, helping people activate the fullness of their sacramental graces, while transforming their lives.
They serve everyone from clergy and religious to leaders, families, and individuals. John Paul II Healing Center carries out their mission intentionally through the healing and transformative events they offer.
Events can be found here:
kentucky healing services
First Friday of every month, 7pm, a Mass and healing service is held at St. Joseph Church in Crescent Springs, KY. It is sponsored by the Mustard Seed Community. Praise and worship music starts at 6:30 pm with the Sacred Heart Praise Band. Individual prayer for healing follows Mass. Jesus is alive!
Please double check website for day/time: https://www.charismaticnky.com/healing-services-masses/
First Thursday of every month, 7 pm Mass and Healing Service at Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) Church, 5876 Veterans Way, Burlington, KY, 859-689-5010 with Msgr. Fosu.
Please contact and/or check their website for the accuracy of dates/times: https://ihm-ky.org/

ohio healing services
First Wednesday of every month, 7:30-9 pm, Mass followed by Healing Service at St. Ignatius Church, I-74/North Bend Rd. (5222 N. Bend Rd., Monfort Heights) Cincinnati, OH sponsored by Lighthouse Renewal Center (Catholic Charismatic Community.) Praise & worship music. Call Sr. Chris at 513-471-5483 for more information. Double check website for accuracy of date/time: https://sainti.org/church/templates/template-e-2/
Fourth Wednesday of every month (except Dec and Jan!), 6:45-9:15 pm, Healing Service following Rosary and Mass at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, 5440 Moeller Ave., Norwood, OH, 513-351-9800. Twice a year this is replaced by a Generational Healing Mass/Service.
Please check website for more information and accuracy of dates/times: https://ourladyoflight.org/

healing services solely inside iowa

virtual services available