News five
Now, you have the opportunity to listen to Christine, the author, narrate her latest book, The Power of God…Yesterday, as it is available in audio format. You can find it […]
Now, you have the opportunity to listen to Christine, the author, narrate her latest book, The Power of God…Yesterday, as it is available in audio format. You can find it […]
The Power of God…Yesterday: God is the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever Available on Amazon: We have just released the third book of The Power of God…series. It follows
THE POWER OF GOD…TOMORROW has now been translated in Spanish and available on Amazon. The title in Spanish translates to: EL PODER DE DIOS…MAÑANA Available on Amazon: In this
On May 8, 2023 Christine’s first book, The Power of God…Today, was translated into Spanish and available on Amazon. The title in Spanish translates to: EL PODER DE DIOS…HOY: Una
As of February 20, 2023, The Blessed Reason Trip Organization is officially recognized as a 501(c)(3) public charitable organization. Our donors can deduct all the contributions made under IRS Section