My name is Wendy Borne, I am 46 years old, married with 2 children, a 6-year-old girl and a 2-year-old boy. I was born in Mexico and reside in the USA for professional work as a sales engineer.
Narrative: My Health Journey
In 2022, following a challenging second cesarean delivery involving a prolonged wait, excruciating pain, extensive medication, and significant mental and physical stress, I returned home feeling profoundly exhausted. Coupled with the demands of breastfeeding every two hours, my fatigue escalated each day, leading to a severe depletion of energy and a diminishing sense of purpose. Unable to articulate my feelings, I sank into a deep depression, experiencing bone and joint pain, chronic fatigue, inflammation in both feet, memory issues, irritability, anxiety, and uncontrolled weight gain. I functioned on autopilot, barely having energy to care for my newborn and my then 4-year-old daughter, as I felt my will to live slipping away. Something bad was happening to me, and I didn’t know why or the cause of it, but it was clear that I was not the same person I was before having my second baby.
Two years passed with a visit to the gynecologist, who prescribed antidepressants, which I refused to take. Seeking further help, I consulted my primary doctor, who ordered numerous blood tests and detected tendencies towards Hashimoto’s disease. A specific blood test was performed to assess inflammation levels caused by food. Following the results, I started a new diet, eliminating gluten, soy, sugar, caffeine, and dairy. My primary doctor recommended visiting an endocrinologist and rheumatologist to thoroughly check my thyroid and joint health.
Despite all of this, my levels remained within the healthy range, preventing them from being able to prescribe any thyroid prescriptions. My doctor advised me to continue the elimination diet, yet meanwhile I felt weaker every day while continually having more symptoms surfacing.
A few weeks later, a neighbor suggested I see a doctor specializing in alternative medicine. This doctor promptly recommended a liver detoxification treatment. After completing the treatment, I felt a slight improvement—around 30% more energy—but it was not enough.
At that point, my neighbor and now friend, Susan Neltner, shared her health journey and her experience with a different doctor, who is a medical doctor but works in an alternative medicine as well. His name is Dr. Issam Nemeh.
As I listened to Susan, I recognized many of her symptoms reflected my own, prompting me to seek more information about her experience. I explored Dr. Nemeh’s work online, and Susan provided me with the book “The Power of God Today” by Christine M. Blake. Intrigued by both the book and Susan’s story, I expressed my desire to visit Dr. Nemeh. I arranged an appointment, and Susan traveled with me to Cleveland to be with me during my appointment. During the trip, I surrendered myself to God, our Lord, saying to myself, “I’m going to see Dr. Nemeh; I abandon myself to you God. Do whatever you want with me.”
When I first met Dr. Nemeh, I felt an immediate sense of peace and serenity emanating from him and I thought, “Here in this treatment room, lies God’s healing power.”
Dr. Nemeh asked me about my baby’s delivery, and I explained how exhausting it had been for me. My astonishment grew more and more during my treatment especially because Dr. Nemeh’s first question was, “How was your baby’s delivery?”
To which I responded that it had been very exhausting for me. He then expressed that he saw a problem in my neck caused by a fall or an impact from long time ago. The neck problem was affecting my knees and feet, at the same time I felt a lot of relaxation and peace, while the Doctor amazed me with his explanation in my diagnosis, telling me that my thyroid did not trigger any problem, but that the neck was the problem as well as my lower back both causing misalignment in my knees.
At the time of treatment, while Dr. Nemeh was using the instruments and prayer for my health, I felt that something came out of me and filled me with peace, joy, and emotional comfort. I was so relaxed that I felt compelled to close my eyes. Only the power of God the Father made this moment of healing possible. Dr Nemeh asked me if I had problems sleeping, and upon confirming that I had these issues, he then told me, “From now on, every day you will feel better – your legs, your knees, lower back, little by little.”
By the end of the session, I noticed that my feet were aligned, and my knees and legs moved more fluidly. I experienced significant relief in my joints and stood up feeling an overwhelming sense of peace. Dr. Nemeh confirmed to me, “I see in your face that you look very rested.”
I left the appointment filled with energy and joy.
Upon returning home from my appointment, I felt a dramatic shift in my breathing and overall mood, as if entering a new phase of my life. The heaviness that I had carried before had lifted, and my face radiated peace and tranquility, which I recognized as the presence of the Holy Spirit within me. I am immensely grateful to God for guiding Dr. Nemeh with his healing gift. I cannot thank Susan enough for her unwavering support, and I pray that God continues to empower her in her mission to heal humanity through her connection with Dr. Nemeh, a true instrument of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.