The Blessed Reason Trip

Jason Harnum – Daytona Beach, Florida

My story begins with how life was before my late twenties. I often ran numerous marathons, triathlons, and other various organized competitions, including ultramarathons. I loved running.

That all changed once I started noticing that I was tripping and struggling to even walk normally. After numerous medical tests, I was diagnosed with a rare condition called adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN), which primarily affects the spinal cord. The symptoms of AMN can vary widely, but common issues include stiffness, weakness, and pain in the legs, starting gradually and potentially worsening over time.

Before my first conversation with Christy Blake from the Blessed Reason Trip, I discovered Dr. Nemeh. I had undergone several treatments with him prior to my initial phone call with Christy. Dr. Nemeh told me during one of my first appointments with him that he doesn’t see me as actually having adremnomyeloneuropathy. I believe him because Dr. Nemeh has a way of seeing things on a different level than I or most doctors can. Following his initial treatment and assessments, he believed my issues stemmed from a prior injury when I fractured my back He explained that my falls over time had contributed to my inability to walk leading me to take a seat in my scooter that I have been riding around in for some time now as I am approaching my mid-fifties currently.

I was happy to find Christy Blake and her book, “The Power of God…Today.” After reading it for the first time, I reached out to her because she, too, had been a patient of Dr. Nemeh and could speak with me regarding some of the spiritual insights I had learned from Dr. Nemeh during my appointments with him over the years. Speaking with someone who understands how God works through Dr. Nemeh felt refreshing, because most people that haven’t been around him like we have, really struggle to understand just how natural the miracles happen around Dr. Nemeh all the time.

I also wished to discuss how her book influenced me. To date, I have read it three times, as it contains valuable insights on how to approach asking God for healing and the importance of maintaining love and forgiveness in our hearts.

Thanks to my visits with Dr. Nemeh, I have experienced numerous healings. In 2022, I WALKED a 10k race, taking six hours to complete it. It was unconventional, as I pushed my rollator instead of riding in it. I would never have been able to achieve this without Dr. Nemeh’s guidance and the encouragement to embark on this incredible adventure.

The biggest healings have been in my spirit as I now have a renewed vision of living with the purpose of dedicating all my actions to Christ.  Initially, I aimed to inspire others in similar situations to mine, but recently, the Holy Spirit has guided me towards prison ministry. This journey has been transformative, intended to help incarcerated men, but it has become a blessing for me, as my presence and conversations with them are making a difference in their lives.

Dr. Nemeh recently made a comment to this saying something like, “What if your entire life has led you to this moment? If you can save just one?”

Through my time with Dr. Nemeh, I believe I have discovered my true purpose in life. I am walking closer with God than ever before, and I have come to realize that nothing is impossible with Him.