The Blessed Reason Trip

Kathy Connolly – Scottsdale, Arizona

In May 2021, I reached out to Christy Blake after finding her Blessed Reason Trip website. Christy directed me to also read her testimonial on “” about her and her daughter’s healing experiences with Dr. Nemeh. I also read about Dr. Nemeh on their site and listened to all the Blind Faith Live podcasts that interviews hundreds of people who had found healing through prayers of Dr. Issam Nemeh.

At that time, I was gravely ill; my immune system was failing, and I had spent 7 months in hospice care, hovering between life and death. Speaking with someone who had experienced healing firsthand was incredibly reassuring. The abundance of healing stories I had read about and listened to made it hard not to believe in their authenticity, and I firmly believed in God’s power to restore my health. I just wanted to ensure I was taking the right steps towards the healing I desperately needed to survive.

Christy shared her insights and mentioned a book she had recently completed, which she kindly mailed to me. In the meantime, I was waiting for a virtual prayer appointment with Dr. Nemeh that Christy and Emily had arranged. After that prayer session, I felt a deep conviction to see him in person. I understood that I had to actively pursue this healing journey, so I followed the guidance I felt God was providing. This meant driving from Arizona to Ohio, which required significant preparation, including finding a safe place to stay due to my sensitivities to molds and electromagnetic fields.

Before my illness, I was an avid triathlon competitor, having completed numerous half marathons and participated in two Ironman events, as well as being a category 2 cyclist. My health deteriorated after taking a supplement called Protandim, which disrupted my nervous system and triggered a cascade of debilitating issues. My health spiraled out of and subsequently I suffered an injury that led to reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) throughout my entire body. My intestinal health also suffered, making it nearly impossible to eat or absorb nutrients, and I wasted away to just ninety-three pounds, reduced to primarily skin and bones.

I lost nearly everything in that time frame: my physical and mental well-being, my husband, my job, my home, and even my dignity. It was clear that I needed not just one miracle, but many. I had explored countless avenues for help, spent tens of thousands of dollars, but nothing worked. Yet, deep down, I felt Dr. Nemeh and his prayers held the key to my healing.

The journey to Ohio felt risky; it could have cost me my life, but I saw no alternative. A few people, including Christy, remained hopeful, while most others thought I was wasting my time and money. Nevertheless, I sensed this was my lifeline, a divine answer to the prayers I had uttered for so long.

For four years, I hadn’t laughed or even smiled. I was consumed by anger and pain, with no joy in sight. I scheduled six appointments with Dr. Nemeh over a span of four weeks because I felt compelled to seek more than the normal one or two usual appointments made by most. I don’t know how else to say it, but in my heart, I knew six was necessary for me.

Jesus restored my joy, healed my broken heart, and rejuvenated my spirit. The day after my first appointment, I laughed for the first time in years and even slowly started to enjoy music again. It felt as if God had resurrected me, both body and soul. For the first time in four years, I felt truly alive.

Gradually, my body started absorbing nutrients again, and my dangerously low white blood cell count surged by a thousand points – the first increase I had seen during my illness. I watched in awe as God removed obstacles one by one. I meticulously documented my healing journey to show others that this is not just a fabricated tale; it is my authentic story. Dr. Issam Nemeh is, in my opinion, a living saint, deeply connected to God, and I know no one else like him.

Since my healing, I have returned to competitive athletics. I’ve completed a 10k, a half marathon, and I continue to cycle and train, living life to the fullest for the glory of God. He inspires me, and I want everyone to understand that this can happen to them too. My desire is to help others learn about Dr. Nemeh and to share the message that God is willing to heal us, but we must be ready to ask for help and work on our souls.

My life’s mission now revolves around helping others. I am in the midst of writing my own personal story, which will be published soon. It’s called “Warrior Unstoppable.” This book describes my complete healing journey that started with meeting Dr. Nemeh, highlighting the many blessings God has given me through his prayers.