The Blessed Reason Trip

Susan Neltner – Villa Hills, Kentucky

Hello! I’m Susan, and I’m eager to share my story with you.

In March 2021, I began experiencing severe nausea that led to a loss of appetite and thirst. I also started noticing around 30 other new symptoms impacting various parts of my body. By late July 2021, I had unintentionally lost 30 pounds, which frightened me as I couldn’t stop the weight loss. I tried several medications, each of them briefly, but they didn’t alleviate my symptoms and made me feel worse. I attempted a food elimination diet, but found that when I reintroduced any food, it caused more gastrointestinal distress. I settled on a basic but “safe” diet and began logging my calories to maintain my weight. Despite consuming 2000-2500 calories a day, which I had to force myself to eat, I couldn’t regain the weight I lost, and my condition hadn’t improved.

Throughout that year, I made three trips to the ER, where every anti-nausea medication was tried. I underwent numerous tests from various specialists, including lab work, a colonoscopy, an endoscopy, a gastric emptying scan, HIDA scan, chest X-ray, CT scans of my abdomen and head, ultrasounds, EMG tests for muscles and nerves, and an MRI of my brain and spine. Every test came back indicating that I was healthy.  In search of answers, I turned to alternative medicine; I tried acupuncture and consulted a chiropractor who suggested I had mold exposure, bacterial overgrowth in my intestines, and leaky gut. We had our home professionally analyzed for mold and received a clean report. I experimented with various vitamins and supplements yet saw no improvement.

I prayed fervently, and many people prayed for me as well. I received the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick three times and attended Mass, Confession, Adoration, and a healing service. Friends had Masses said for me, and I sought heavenly intercession. Daily, I prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet with a close friend and the rosary with my family. My brother-in-law even lit a candle for me at Sacre Coeur in Paris. Friends and family brought food, flowers, supplements, prayer cards, spiritual books, statues, and holy water from Lourdes and Ukraine. Family and friends who are doctors tried to help me come up with diagnostic tests to request. To stay strong, I took daily walks with friends or family, as fresh air was pretty much the only thing that made me feel better.  I connected with a woman facing a similar situation, who offered encouragement and guidance for living with a chronic health condition. I shared my struggles with friends and family who saw my suffering and hopelessness.

My last resort was to seek help from the Mayo Clinic, and I started to figure out the logistics of how to get a referral.

Ultimately, my close friend Kendall Krouse encouraged me to consult Dr. Issam Nemeh in Cleveland. Dr. Nemeh is a very holy doctor who combines his great love of God with his skills as a physician, researcher, and electronics engineering.  He surrenders his life completely to God every day, and God works powerfully through him. Kendall learned about Dr. Nemeh from Christine Blake, who experienced healing from several auto immune diseases including systemic lupus and color blindness. Christine has authored three books on her healing journey with Dr. Nemeh and launched the Blessed Reason Trip with her daughter Emily to educate others. With Kendall’s help, I connected with Christine, who assisted me in scheduling appointments with Dr. Nemeh.

In March 2022, I participated in a “Zoom Prayer Meeting” with him and 100 others suffering from various ailments. One participant even experienced healing from paralysis from the neck down following that meeting! Shortly after, I began taking a previously prescribed medication that was said to possibly alleviate nausea, which was expected to take 6-8 weeks to take effect. However, within a few days after the Zoom, my nausea began to subside. After a few weeks, I felt significantly better, although I still experienced many other symptoms.

Christine suggested I schedule a one-on-one virtual appointment with Dr. Nemeh. During this conversation, he revealed that all my symptoms stemmed from an injured neck. This revelation surprised me, as I couldn’t recall any significant neck or back injury, yet somehow, I knew he was speaking the truth. Following this appointment, I continued to improve, and Christine encouraged me to visit Dr. Nemeh in person to expedite my healing process. When I called, I discovered he was booked for a few months, but I was encouraged to join the cancellation list. To my surprise, I was offered an appointment for the following Wednesday!

My husband Marc and I journeyed to Cleveland for the appointment. During my treatment, Dr. Nemeh used his unique diagnostic tools and treatment machines that he had invented, as he has over 24 patents. The machines resembled various forms of vibrating and massaging devices. He confirmed that all my symptoms were caused by one issue, my neck, just as he had indicated over the phone. Coincidentally, I had just learned about the narrowing of my spine at C4-5 right before this appointment, however, other doctors had reassured me that they did not believe this was the source of my symptoms.

While treating me, Dr. Nemeh was silently praying. Christine had advised me to pray during the appointment by contemplating God’s love, forgiving everyone and everything, and surrendering completely to God. After two hours, Dr. Nemeh informed me that my spinal canal was now more open and softer. He assured me I would feel better immediately and continue to improve daily, with all my symptoms gradually diminishing and an increase in energy. He recommended specific supplements and advised me to taper off the medication I was trying, while gradually reintroducing foods to my diet.

Indeed, I felt better and left his office that day with a sense of joy and relief. My appetite returned immediately, and I continued to feel progressively better each day. Many of my symptoms either disappeared or greatly diminished within a few months. After two years, my neck is now fully healed.

The most profound and beautiful healing, however, has been the spiritual transformation that has taken place within me. Immediately after my appointment with Dr. Nemeh, I expressed to my husband my deep desire to help others. He agreed that part of my mission would be sharing Jesus’ healing through Dr. Nemeh with those in need and assisting them in securing appointments.

I also had a strong desire to learn everything about Dr. Nemeh and the miracles that occur when he prays. I read Miracles Every Day: The Story of One Physician’s Inspiring Faith and the Healing Power of Prayer by Maura Poston Zagrans and all three of Christine Blake’s books. I started listening to the podcast Blind Faith Live hosted by Phillip Keller, also known as Trapper Jack. I began sharing my healing story with family, friends, and even strangers when prompted by the Holy Spirit. My friends have noticed a significant change in me, commenting that I seem more relaxed and less burdened by worry.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit miraculously healed me through Dr. Nemeh! During my appointment, I felt the profound love of God, which brought about a transformation in my body, mind, and soul. I’ve learned so much on this journey from brokenness to restoration, and I continue to grow in God’s love every day. I am forever grateful.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about my story. I pray that it brings hope to you or a loved one. May God bless you!

