Listening to the audiobook of  “The Power of God Today” provided me confirmation of my decision to visit Dr. Nemeh’s office in Ohio, when I was discerning whether I was up to the journey. This was no small decision for me to enter an airport and fly to Ohio as I had back pain, mobility issues, and sensitivity to fragrances and loud noises.
I managed to overcome these challenges through focusing on my love of God and my love for my family instead of my nervousness or pain. My travel companion and I instead leaned on prayer to soothe our worries. Also re-listening to the chapters of Christine‘s book was a huge boost to my confidence to reassure me along my journey. Hearing her narration on Audible was like a friend sitting beside me, holding my hand, who I knew had been in the same situation before me. God saw me through the journey safely.
I praise Him that He healed my spine that day of intense pain at Dr. Nemeh’s office. This changed my life and instilled in me a deep hope and confidence in the power of God today.