The Blessed Reason Trip

Butch Milling – Atkins, Iowa

I met Christy and Emily Blake in 2019 at our church, Immaculate Conception in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I learned about the Blessed Reason Trip and personally have taken multiple trips with them through the years to Ohio to meet and be prayed over by Dr. Nemeh. I have read all three of Christy’s books, and due to everything my wife, Mary Lou, and I have experienced, we have guided many others to see Dr. Nemeh as well.

I could share countless stories about how God has healed me through Dr. Nemeh’s prayers, but it’s not just about me; I have witnessed God’s work in the lives of my wife, my grandchildren, multiple friends, and I don’t even know how many others. There are numerous individuals with their own stories, but that is for them to share.

I have experienced healing from stenosis in my back, knee issues that required surgery, leg pain, and more. Each time something serious arose, Christy either heard about it and suggested I schedule an appointment—virtual or in-person—or she received some sort of dream or divine message to share with me. It feels as though God is always looking out for me.

However, it’s important to note that not every request has resulted in an immediate answer. During my first visit to Dr. Nemeh, I didn’t receive the miraculous healing I sought for my back pain. It wasn’t until my next visit, while I was leaving with a group that Christy and Emily had brought, that I discovered a profound quote from Dr. Nemeh in the book “Miracles Every Day.” The quote resonated deeply with me: “Many people come to me for a healing for personal reasons and it will not happen.”

At that moment, I realized that I had been asking for God to heal my back for personal interests like golfing, hunting, fishing, and even dancing with my wife, rather than for a purpose aligned with serving God.

So, I adjusted my approach. When Dr. Nemeh asked what I needed the second trip I made, I told him that Jesus knew my needs and everything about me, so there was no reason for me to specify. In my heart, I promised God that if He healed me, I would share my story with everyone and anyone about what He did for me.

That day, God healed my back, and the pain I had endured for years vanished. I had to test it out by going golfing to confirm my healing, and guess what? There was no pain. I walked freely without discomfort. That was when I understood it was my turn to uphold my end of the bargain—I needed to start sharing my experience.

I began with family and friends, which led many of them to seek prayers for themselves or loved ones. I even reached out to strangers, sharing my story with people in parking lots as I met them on my way to my pickup or walking into a store. This was not meant to be kept secret; it was a gift for others to discover.

On another occasion, I was scheduled for knee replacement surgery. Christy heard about this and encouraged me to seek prayers from Dr. Nemeh again. She arranged a prayer session for me a year after my back healing. This time, I shared my concerns with Dr. Nemeh and his wife, Kathy, who prayed alongside him. I knew how to ask; it wasn’t about me or selfish desires, but rather to continue doing God’s work and sharing these stories and the Gospel with others. Our lives are meant to be about leading people to Jesus.

I didn’t receive an immediate healing for my knee, which left me feeling somewhat disappointed, but I accepted it and knew that my scheduled surgery wasn’t too far away. I shrugged it off and walked away, sad, but I was good. The next morning, I woke up and headed to the basement to empty out our humidifier and noticed nothing unusual at first. I believe it was because I was still slightly groggy yet, so my observations were minimal. Just as I started climbing back up the stairs, I realized something. I had absolutely no pain in my knee. I couldn’t believe it! I rushed back up those stairs to tell my wife about this new miracle.

The stories continue. God doesn’t heal everything, there are times and reasons when something isn’t healed. And sometimes only God knows why, and likewise, we all have a set time on this earth. However, I can assure you that God works through Dr. Nemeh’s complete surrender and honors his prayers. Dr. Nemeh is a vessel, but it is Jesus and the Holy Spirit who perform the healing. Dr. Nemeh offers his time, love, and prayers to God and everyone in his presence.

This journey has been transformative for Mary Lou and me. My wife now serves on the board for the Blessed Reason Trip because we want to contribute to this mission of helping others find healing, hope, and a deeper faith. Experiencing these miracles deepens one’s faith and compels us to know more about our amazing God. We are meant to share our experiences with others. I have learned that by following these simple principles, God will bless you and everyone around you.