The Blessed Reason Trip

Luke – Marion, Iowa

Luke’s journey to Dr. Nemeh was stemmed by a call from the Holy Spirit. Luke is 11 years old and has dealt with significant anxiety his whole life. He was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 5 and has experienced difficulty dealing with perfectionism and social awareness. Luke is an outgoing child who has always cared deeply about others and feels emotions strongly. We have worked closely with his pediatrician over the years to manage ADHD symptoms, but traditional medicine wasn’t fully addressing his anxiety. Our family prayed for answers to help Luke and decided that Catholic education was the best environment for him and all our children. Being in a faith filled environment each day has been a blessing. Although the environment is perfect for our family, Luke has had behavioral ups and downs throughout his elementary experience.

One day after Luke had a severe anxious episode at the school, his teacher’s mother (Mrs. Christy Blake) approached me and invited me to learn about Dr. Nemeh. I was moved by our conversation and read the “Miracles Every Day”book she shared about Dr. Nemeh’s story. After that I planned to set up an appointment with Dr. Nemeh over the summer. Luke’s transition to middle school was approaching and I knew that could present challenges. Life got busy over the summer months and I pushed back setting up the appointment. Part of me felt guilty for wanting Dr. Nemeh’s time because there are so many others in the world with larger medical issues in need of healing.

The path I needed to take became clear to me when Luke had another severe anxious episode in the middle of summer. Shortly after the episode, Mrs. Blake contacted me through email. She wanted me to know that our family, especially Luke, had been on her heart recently and encouraged me to set up an appointment if we had not already. That was the sign from the Holy Spirit that I needed.

As Luke’s appointment drew near, family and close friends continued to pray for him. Luke knew about Dr. Nemeh’s miracles and also prayed for a miracle to take away the extreme anxiety he felt daily.

When we arrived at Dr. Nemeh’s practice in Ohio we were in awe of the welcoming and spiritual environment. There were beautiful statues, artwork of the Holy family, and angels displayed everywhere. Luke loved that Dr. Nemeh’s office has the same picture of Jesus that his school has hanging in the upper elementary wing. Luke also saw artwork from his talented teacher which brought him joy. Dr. Nemeh’s wife was so sweet and had an instant connection with Luke, saying that he resembled their son in many ways.

Once we were in the exam room Luke’s anxiety went through the roof and he began having a severe anxious episode. Dr. Nemeh immediately began working and praying. During our time with Dr. Nemeh, my husband spoke with him in depth about Catholic theology and medical practices. The conversation was inspiring and very deep. You could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit while Dr. Nemeh was working, praying, and speaking with us. As we continued to speak of God’s word and discuss our faith, Luke was suddenly at peace. Luke shared later that while he was being worked on by Dr. Nemeh, he was overcome with the knowledge and understanding that he shouldn’t worry and be anxious. He has always known and been told to give his worries to God, but something miraculous clicked and he not only was able to say it but feel and know it.

Luke, my husband, and I left Dr. Nemeh’s office that day changed. He healed the deep anxieties we all were holding and gave us a new perspective on life. We are forever grateful for God’s work through Dr. Nemeh and all those who led us there.

Luke’s story was submitted by his mother Stephanie Sears on September 10, 2024.