The Blessed Reason Trip

Julia Theisen – Dubuque, Iowa

In February 2020, me and my family met Christy and her daughter, Emily, in the Holy Land. Looking back, I now believe our meeting in such a sacred place was no mere coincidence. After returning home, I received a breast cancer diagnosis. Christy learned about my situation through an email that someone else sent to everyone from our trip, asking for prayers for me and my family. When a follow-up email that was sent later, she learned of my need for five months of chemotherapy and a double mastectomy. This led her to feel compelled to reach out and share information about Dr. Nemeh.

She recounted the miracles she had experienced and emphasized that she had witnessed how God powerfully works through his prayers. Her heartfelt message resonated with me, and I appreciated her courage in sharing such personal information with someone she hardly knew.

I asked Christy several questions and eventually revealed my full diagnosis- Triple Negative Breast Cancer Stage 2b, along with the sixteen rounds of chemotherapy I was set to undergo, plus surgery. I expressed my gratitude for her support and openness to her suggestions.

On Friday, May 8th, I had a FaceTime appointment with Dr. Nemeh. It became one of the most beautiful and powerful experiences I had ever had with the Holy Spirit. I felt a profound change within me and sensed healing on multiple levels. Dr. Nemeh’s gentle demeanor moved me deeply; I knew I was in the presence of someone truly special.

As he prayed for me, I felt his words penetrating a small crack in my soul, producing a vibration I had never experienced before—it was pure and transformative. In the midst of his prayer, I fell back on the couch, almost effortlessly. When he asked, “Did you feel that?” I responded with a heartfelt, “Yes!”

I experienced a soothing sensation near the area where the tumor was located. Prior to this prayer, I had felt a “stickiness” in that region, but now I sensed something shifting within me. Dr. Nemeh clarified, “That is the Holy Spirit.” His words were affirming and clear.

The experience was similar to that of a young child getting lost and then joyfully reuniting with their parent again—like an immense sense of relief. For my entire life, I had yearned for that unconditional, loving presence, and in that moment, I finally felt it.

The overwhelming realization of what I had been searching for my whole life struck me later that night. Alone in my bedroom, I lay with the covers pulled up to my head when I felt a playful touch, as if being tucked in by a loving parent. It was beautiful and moved my spirit. I called out, “Is that you, Holy Spirit?” Deep down, I already knew the answer.

The Holy Spirit was indeed there, providing the unconditional love I had yearned for my entire life. My heart overflowed with joy, and I found myself laughing and shedding tears of happiness. The “stickiness” that had plagued me for so long was finally released, and I realized the Holy Spirit was giving me clear evidence of its presence and healing.

I gained a new understanding of my experiences; my trials were a divine gift guiding me on a sacred pilgrimage. After 58 years, I had finally found what I had been searching for. This newfound realization allowed me to surrender completely to my journey. I knew the road ahead would be challenging due to the aggressive nature of the breast cancer, but surrendering to the Spirit allowed my mind to be at peace and guided me toward what was next, in God’s timing.

Following my surgery, I began oral chemotherapy, but I had a severe reaction that left me unable to eat or drink for nearly four days, forcing me to stop treatment. I was informed that I was “actively cancering,” which meant my body was in a prime state for producing more cancer cells. This news prompted my husband and me to travel to Florida to relax and heal.

I hadn’t communicated with Christy for some time, but in March 2021, while in Florida, she felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to reach out. Unaware of my new “active cancering” situation, she asked how I was doing and if I wanted another virtual prayer with Dr. Nemeh. Her timing was impeccable.

Dr. Nemeh provided the reassurance I needed, confirming that my body was still healing. I view my time with him as a profound connection, and I often hear his voice in my heart. Since then, I have recognized this connection with others and have asked to pray with them, understanding now that this connection is the Holy Spirit.

I would have never done this before; I realize the Holy Spirit works through me, in me, and as me. I’ve come home to my God-given self and journey. Without this newfound connection to the Holy Spirit and feeling at peace within myself, I wouldn’t be sharing my experiences with Dr. Nemeh or praying with others as I do now.

One word to describe my experience that first night in bed is “undeniable.” I cannot doubt what took place. Since that special evening, I find myself more emotional and often moved to tears when reflecting on God’s love for us. I also make an effort to immerse myself in nature, where I feel God’s presence profoundly. Being in the natural world reveals God’s beauty and presence, with the Holy Spirit evident in everything around me.

Trusting in God’s plan has granted me a clarity I had never experienced before. This newfound strength and understanding stem from my relationship with God and the Holy Spirit, which began that evening with Dr. Nemeh’s prayer on May 8th, 2020.

My passion for helping others has grown immensely due to my journey. I am grateful to God for Dr. Nemeh, Christy, and the wonderful relationship I now have with our creator.