The Blessed Reason Trip

real miracle stories

George – Iowa

“His spirit is incredibly strong,” Dr. Nemeh expressed these words right after he started praying for little George. With tears, Dr. Nemeh reiterated this sentiment several times during his prayers. While we don’t believe that George underwent any physical healing from his diagnosis of semi-lobar holoprosencephaly, we are certain that God’s grace was present, as we could truly feel it. Now five years old, George brings JOY to everyone he encounters with his radiant smile and infectious laughter. Those who meet him often remark that there is something truly special about his eyes, which

Linda Egbers w/ Ryder- Villa Hills, Kentucky

I learned about Dr. Nemeh through a friend who had been extremely ill and was struggling to find a cure. She learned about Dr. Issam Nemeh, and today, she enjoys a wonderful, healthy life, all thanks to God’s work through him. Believing that God works through others, I decided to take my great-nephew, Ryder, to see Dr. Nemeh, as he was born with Poland Syndrome. I felt truly blessed to be present with Dr. Nemeh and Ryder during the appointment. Right before my eyes, I witnessed God heal Ryder’s right leg and right foot,

Jason Harnum – Daytona Beach, Florida

My story begins with how life was before my late twenties. I often ran numerous marathons, triathlons, and other various organized competitions, including ultramarathons. I loved running. That all changed once I started noticing that I was tripping and struggling to even walk normally. After numerous medical tests, I was diagnosed with a rare condition called adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN), which primarily affects the spinal cord. The symptoms of AMN can vary widely, but common issues include stiffness, weakness, and pain in the legs, starting gradually and potentially worsening over time. Before my first conversation with

Deb Schemmel – Vinton, Iowa

I am blessed and grateful. I should not be here, but I am. Last September (2023), I started a journey that I never would have guessed in my wildest dreams that my family and I would be on. What began as tailbone discomfort transformed into persistent pain over six weeks, intensifying despite various therapies, doctor visits, x-rays, and medication, as we all assumed it stemmed from my back. This all reached a breaking point on November 2nd, 2023, with me crashing and burning. An urgent visit to the ER at our local hospital resulted

Chip Moellering – Villa Hills, Kentucky

We discovered Dr. Nemeh through our friend Susan Neltner, who experienced remarkable healing. She also shared valuable insights from Christy Blake regarding Dr. Nemeh and the many healing experiences of others. At that time, Susan learned about my wife’s illness and reached out to inform us about Dr. Nemeh and the hope she held for my wife’s healing. Because of this, I had an appointment scheduled, by my wife, for the both of us. I thought we were seeing Dr Nemeh just for my wife, who was suffering from at least 15 different debilitating

Kathy Connolly – Scottsdale, Arizona

In May 2021, I reached out to Christy Blake after finding her Blessed Reason Trip website. Christy directed me to also read her testimonial on “” about her and her daughter’s healing experiences with Dr. Nemeh. I also read about Dr. Nemeh on their site and listened to all the Blind Faith Live podcasts that interviews hundreds of people who had found healing through prayers of Dr. Issam Nemeh. At that time, I was gravely ill; my immune system was failing, and I had spent 7 months in hospice care, hovering between life and

Susan Neltner – Villa Hills, Kentucky

Hello! I’m Susan, and I’m eager to share my story with you. In March 2021, I began experiencing severe nausea that led to a loss of appetite and thirst. I also started noticing around 30 other new symptoms impacting various parts of my body. By late July 2021, I had unintentionally lost 30 pounds, which frightened me as I couldn’t stop the weight loss. I tried several medications, each of them briefly, but they didn’t alleviate my symptoms and made me feel worse. I attempted a food elimination diet, but found that when I

Hallina H – New Hampshire

Listening to the audiobook of  “The Power of God Today” provided me confirmation of my decision to visit Dr. Nemeh’s office in Ohio, when I was discerning whether I was up to the journey. This was no small decision for me to enter an airport and fly to Ohio as I had back pain, mobility issues, and sensitivity to fragrances and loud noises. I managed to overcome these challenges through focusing on my love of God and my love for my family instead of my nervousness or pain. My travel companion and I instead

Sue Manternach – Cedar Rapids, Iowa

I had heard about the Blessed Reason Trip a while before I took my very own. I first met Christy Blake at a book club where a friend introduced her and her first book, The Power of God…Today, along with the incredible doctor she wrote about. A few months later, I began experiencing severe bone-on-bone knee pain. As a longtime marathon runner and enthusiastic skier, my knees were not in the best of shape, and I was seriously contemplating surgery. Then, I ran into a friend who had been at the same time facing

Butch Milling – Atkins, Iowa

I met Christy and Emily Blake in 2019 at our church, Immaculate Conception in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I learned about the Blessed Reason Trip and personally have taken multiple trips with them through the years to Ohio to meet and be prayed over by Dr. Nemeh. I have read all three of Christy’s books, and due to everything my wife, Mary Lou, and I have experienced, we have guided many others to see Dr. Nemeh as well. I could share countless stories about how God has healed me through Dr. Nemeh’s prayers, but it’s

Carrie Weber – Vinton, Iowa

My journey with the Blessed Reason Trip began in May 2021, when Christy reached out to me for the first time in years, wanting to discuss something important. I agreed to the conversation, not knowing what any of it was about, only to learn later that God had given her a dream about me that she felt strongly she had to share. The dream struck me deeply because it was a message that God had something for me that would change my life forever. I was unfamiliar with her ministry, but she provided details

Linda – Cedar Rapids, Iowa

In January 2022, I, along with three others, traveled with Emily and Christy Blake for medical appointments with Dr. Nemeh. They arranged our accommodations and supported us throughout the process. Upon returning home, I vividly recall feeling an overwhelming sense of peace. Notably, the stiffness and discomfort in my upper back had vanished. Additionally, the pressure in the left temple area of my head, which was caused by Meniere’s disease, had left. Unfortunately, this relief was short-lived as the pressure returned after a few days. I found it perplexing that my ailments had disappeared

Leon Hartogh – Marion, Iowa

In 2019, I joined my wife Mary on a Blessed Reason Trip to Ohio with Christy and Emily Blake. We both experienced various miracles, but the biggest miracle for me was in my mind and thoughts. You see I had a stroke a while back that left me unable to read a book since that time. However, since the prayers and time with Dr. Nemeh, this ability has been fully restored. I am now able to read books from cover to cover without any difficulty. For the first time I years I have the

Luke – Marion, Iowa

Luke’s journey to Dr. Nemeh was stemmed by a call from the Holy Spirit. Luke is 11 years old and has dealt with significant anxiety his whole life. He was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 5 and has experienced difficulty dealing with perfectionism and social awareness. Luke is an outgoing child who has always cared deeply about others and feels emotions strongly. We have worked closely with his pediatrician over the years to manage ADHD symptoms, but traditional medicine wasn’t fully addressing his anxiety. Our family prayed for answers to help Luke

Cindi Stueck – Vinton, Iowa

Christy Blake is my neighbor and friend and in January of 2022 I happened to learn that she had written two books, something I had no idea about. Intrigued, I asked her if I could buy a copy and soon inquired about her next Blessed Reason Trip, as I was very interested in this doctor in Ohio that she wrote about. In February 2022, Christy and Emily invited me, along with four other people, three of them I had never met before, to join them on this unique journey. Christy handled all the arrangements,

Katie Schultes – Hiawatha, Iowa

This is a picture of me with our lovely daughter, Summer Anne. During my first trimester of pregnancy with her, I experienced several alarming instances of bleeding that led me to rush to the emergency room. On my first visit, I was informed that I had a significant tear in my placenta and that I should go home and wait, with no guarantee about my baby’s well-being. The next time I bled heavily, my doctor revealed that the tear had worsened, advising me to return home and simply monitor the situation. After another episode

Beth Stone – Cedar Falls, Iowa

I am forever grateful for meeting Christy and Emily. God’s timing put them in my life at the same time I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was 42 and completely overwhelmed. So many unknowns and several difficult decisions to make on my treatments. My boys were 7 and 9 years old. I was in my fourth month of chemo when I had the opportunity to travel to Dr. Nemeh with Christy and Emily. I wasn’t sure what to expect and was worried about how I would feel on a long road trip. Christy and

Diana Solis – Marion, Iowa

At the time Christy reached out to me, I was in a difficult situation. I had been unemployed for three months and feeling desperate, especially since I had lost my health insurance. Her invitation to join the trip to see Dr. Nemeh was truly a Godsend, it felt like an answer to a prayer when I needed it most. Without insurance, I didn’t know how I would get the help I needed, and this opportunity came at the perfect time. Dr. Nemeh’s treatment was nothing short of life-changing. I had been struggling with severe

Joyce Trampe – Sun City, Arizona

My healing first began when my niece, Christy Blake, had Dr. Nemeh pray over my picture in October 2019. I didn’t know that she was doing this, but had heard about how she had started up this ministry to help people find healing and God in their lives. I was at the time having some pretty scary health issues and remembered thinking it was funny timing. All tests were pointing to a potentially life-threatening condition that had started inside by bones. I was still trying to grasp what was going on and how to

Julia Theisen – Dubuque, Iowa

In February 2020, me and my family met Christy and her daughter, Emily, in the Holy Land. Looking back, I now believe our meeting in such a sacred place was no mere coincidence. After returning home, I received a breast cancer diagnosis. Christy learned about my situation through an email that someone else sent to everyone from our trip, asking for prayers for me and my family. When a follow-up email that was sent later, she learned of my need for five months of chemotherapy and a double mastectomy. This led her to feel

Ricardo Galicia – Marysville, California

In 2021 and 2022, I had been experiencing severe anxiety due to finding out that part of my heart had some thickening due to many years of untreated high blood pressure. I was scared. However, I have always had faith that God would heal me. I felt fear that I was going to die young and leave my three children behind. I searched for answers, prayed, and read books on healings and miracles. Then, I came across a book called “Cured” by Dr. Jeff Rediger. In this book, there was a story about a

Bernadette Anderson – Forest Grove, BC, Canada

My story is deeply personal and challenging to open up about. I attended a virtual prayer service with the Blessed Reason Trip in 2021.  Initially, I was quite hesitant and wanted to leave before my prayers even begun. Thankfully, I mustered the courage to stay, and as the prayers began, my anxiety diminished, replaced by a profound sense of peace. This unforgettable experience left me feeling immensely blessed. It was a tremendous experience that I will never forget. The following morning, I awoke with a newfound sense of joy, convinced that my prayer with

Kim Smith – Cedar Rapids, Iowa

In the fall of 2019, I had been wearing an aircast boot on my left foot for nearly eight months due to a tiny fracture in the fifth metatarsal. This injury occurred in February 2019 while I was on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The stress fracture developed from walking continuously on the cobblestone streets and uneven paths in Israel. After eight months, my condition remained unchanged, as the bone had not yet healed. I had learned that Christy Blake and her daughter Emily were taking a group of people to Ohio for