Healing the Whole Person Weekend- St. John Paul II Healing Center
April 11, 2024 - April 13, 2024
In Person $165
LIVESTREAM Registration – $119PER PERSON
Join us on this journey to wholeness as we enter into the heart, face the pains and wounds within, and allow Christ’s divine love to bring the healing we ardently desire.
Experience Jesus in His mission of healing! Physical, spiritual and emotional healing, central to the Church’s life and 2,000 year tradition, come to life in this teaching. Led by renown speakers and authors Dr. Bob Schuchts, Sr. Miriam James Heidland SOLT & Bart Schuchts, the uniquely engaging format will help you see and experience God’s healing love through teaching, prayer, personal reflection, Adoration, worship, and the Sacraments.
Healing the Whole Person is the basis for Dr. Bob Schucht’s best-selling book “Be Healed” and takes place only four times each year in parish settings across the US.
Who is Healing the Whole Person for?
Anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the Gospel message of a God who loves us and who has designs for our wholeness and happiness to a degree that we could have ever imagined
Priests and religious are invited and attend at no cost
Topics Are Grounded on Scripture & Church Teaching